HP Storage Mirroring Software User Manual

Page 124

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Job monitoring

Page 123 of 135

-125 Connection is replicating

-126 Connection is not replicating

-127 Replication set is enabled

-128 Schedule is not defined

-129 Replication set is changed

-130 Replication set is in use

-131 No Storage Mirroring target identified

-132 Memory is low

-133 Memory is sufficient

-134 Replication is pending

-135 Invalid option supplied

-136 Replication set rule does not exist

-137 Mirror queue is full

-138 Insufficient security access

-139 Schedule command is invalid

-140 Source path is invalid

-141 Replication set is not changed

-142 Insufficient source security access

-143 Invalid statistics file

-144 Replication set not saved

-145 Connection failed

-146 Cleaner option is not enabled

-147 Target mirror capacity high threshold is met

-148 Target mirror capacity low threshold is met

-149 New option applied

-150 Target is restarted

-151 Replication is out of memory

-152 Write access is blocked on the volume

-153 This error code could be one of two errors. 1) Compression level is not supported,
or server does not support compression 2) Transmission is paused