Performance monitor statistics – HP Storage Mirroring Software User Manual

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Job monitoring

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Performance Monitor statistics

The following table identifies the Storage Mirroring Data Migration Performance Monitor

Note: If you have multiple IP addresses connected to one target server, you will see

multiple Target statistic sections for each IP address.

Connection, Bandwidth Limit

The amount of bandwidth that may be used to transfer data

Connection, Bytes in disk queue

The number of bytes in the source disk queue

Connection, Bytes in replication queue

The number of replication bytes in the source queue

Connection, Bytes in mirror queue

The number of mirror bytes in the source queue

Connection, Bytes received

The number of bytes received by the target since the last Performance
Monitor refresh

Connection, Bytes transferred

The number of bytes transmitted from the source

Connection, Compressed bytes transferred

The number of compressed bytes transmitted from the source

Connection, Operations in acknowledgement queue

The number of operations waiting in the source acknowledgement queue

Connection, Operations in command queue

The number of operations waiting in the source command queue

Connection, Operations in mirror queue

The number of mirror operations in the source queue