HP Storage Mirroring Software User Manual

Page 105

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Job monitoring

Page 104 of 135

Connection, conBytesInRepQueue

The number of replication bytes remaining to be transmitted to the target

Connection, conOpsTx

The number of operations transmitted to the target. This is the total number
of operations that Storage Mirroring has transmitted as a source. In other
words, the cumulative number of operations transmitted by this source to
all connected targets.

Connection, conBytesInMirQueue

The number of mirror bytes remaining to be transmitted to the target

Connection, conBytesTx

The number of bytes transmitted to the target. This is the total number of
bytes that Storage Mirroring has transmitted as a source. In other words,
the cumulative number of bytes transmitted by this source to all connected

Connection, conBytesCompressedTx

The number of compressed bytes transmitted to the target.

Connection, conOpsRx

The number of operations received by the target. The number of
operations that the target for this connection (as indicated by the IP
address field) has received from this source.

Connection, conBytesRx

The number of bytes received by the target. The number of bytes that the
target for this connection (as indicated by the IP address field) has
received from this source.

Connection, conResentOpCount

The number of operations resent because they were not acknowledged

Connection, conBytesInDiskQueue

The number of bytes in the source disk queue

Connection, conBandwidthLimit

The amount of bandwidth that may be used to transfer data

Connection, conBytesSkipped

The number of bytes skipped during a difference mirror. During a
difference mirror, if Storage Mirroring detects that there have been no