HP StoreAll Storage User Manual

Page 186

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If the health check finds an issue in the CRR operation, it generates a critical event.

Reports are generated on the source cluster. If the target cluster is running a version of StoreAll
software earlier than 6.2, only the network connectivity check is performed.

It takes approximately two minutes to generate a CRR health report. Reports are updated every
10 minutes. Only the last five CRR health reports are preserved.

On the CLI, use the following commands to view reports:

List reports:

ibrix_crrhealth -l

Show details for a report:

ibrix_crrhealth -i -n REPORTNAME

To see other reports for a specific task, expand Active Tasks > Remote Replication and then select
the task (crr-25 in the following example). Select Overall Status to see a status summary.

Select Server Tasks to display the state of the task and other information for the servers where the
task is running.

186 Using remote replication