Create menu – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 12

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Table 1-1 Tools menu (continued)

What it does:

Menu selection

Allows you to move a logical server. This menu option is
equivalent to using the Virtualization Manager's drag and
feature from the Physical and Virtual perspective
in the Visualization View. Restrictions apply when
moving a logical server from one server with Virtual
Connect to another, or from one virtual machine to

Logical Servers

Move... (Windows CMS only)

Refreshes the logical server database with VM Manager
and Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager information.
You might want to refresh if you create or remove
inventory, by performing actions such as importing a
logical server, creating or deleting a VM Host, or creating
or deleting an enclosure in a Virtual Connect domain

Logical Servers

Refresh...(Windows CMS only.)

Allows you to power on or off a virtual machine or a
server blade bay on which a logical server was activated
or moved.

Logical Servers

PowerOn/Off... (Windows CMS only)

Launches HP Insight Recovery, allowing to configure
primary and recovery sites and storage recovery groups.
Allows you to create, modify, and delete recovery
information for logical servers.

HP Insight Recovery

(Windows CMS only)

Launches HP Insight Orchestration utility allowing you
to integrate logical server planning, design, and
provisioning into a unified system. You can create and
manage groups of physical and logical servers, and create
multi-system templates for server provisioning.

HP Insight Orchestration

(Windows CMS only)

Accesses the Process Resource Manager (PRM)

Process Resource Manager

Accesses the PRM management page.

Process Resource Manager

Monitor PRM Groups

Allows you to configure Process Resource Manager
groups from the PRM configuration page.

Process Resource Manager

Configure PRM Groups

Allows you to update monitored workload definitions
on the selected managed systems.

Update System Workloads

Accesses the Instant Capacity (ICAP) Manager homepage
that provides an overview of the available Instant
Capacity resources.

Instant Capacity Manager

Table 1-2 Create menu

What it does:

Menu selection

Accesses the Manage Systems and Workloads wizard,
starting with the SRD view, from which you can specify
hosts, set SRD properties, and specify workload/policy

Shared Resource Domain...

Allows you to create a new monitored workload in the
Virtualization Manager. Monitored workloads do not
have a policy associated with them and are not managed
by gWLM.

Workload Definition...

Accesses the Create Logical Server wizard, allowing you
to define a logical server.

Logical Server...

(Windows CMS only)

Accesses the Capacity Advisor Create New Scenario page
from which you can create scenarios that model system
behavior. Scenarios perform “What-If” simulations based
on collected data.

Planning Scenario...

