Step 3 drawing lines to edit the programmed stitch, Drawing lines to edit the programmed stitch, Step 3 – Brother PE-DESIGN Ver.432 User Manual
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Step 3
Drawing Lines to Edit the Programmed Stitch
We are going to draw a wave between the displayed ones using the Line drawing tool of the Tool Box.
To draw these waves, we will use the grid setting
with which the
file stitch pattern was saved.
Grid types should be selected according to the details you want to draw. Select a narrower grid for
more detailed stitches and a wider grid for more simple ones.
For more information on the grids and on how to select them, refer to “Grid Menu” on page 177.
on the Tool Box. Move the cursor over the work area. The shape of the cursor changes
and displays together with a miniature illustration of the tool button.
Move the mouse to the second vertical grid line following a wave and click.
The horizontal and vertical lines that you draw on the work area always follow the grid. The points
you create by clicking the mouse are inserted at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical lines
of the grid, enabling you to draw diagonal lines as well. So, regardless on where you click, a point
will automatically be inserted at the nearest intersection.
Move the mouse to the first angle and click again.
You can always remove the last-entered point by clicking the mouse’s right button.
Repeat until you reach the end of the line and double-click.
Repeat the procedure to add two more waves.
Your display may look somewhat like the following.
If you want to edit some points of the pattern that you drew, you can do so in the Point edit mode,
which you were introduced to in the Layout & Editing window. The Point edit mode lets you move,
insert and delete points (see “Point Edit Mode” on page 172 or go back to Step 15 “Adjusting the
Rays” on page 39).