Badger Meter ORION AMR/AMI Hardware Solutions for Gas Utilities User Manual
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Status Bar
The status bar, located at the bottom of the Main screen, displays the number of meters left to read in the route, the percent
complete and the number of routes and meters loaded The colors displayed on the bar indicate the reading and
communication status for the types of meters being read
Figure 12: Status bar prior to loading route
Before the route is loaded, the status bar is gray and reads "Nothing Loaded" as shown in Figure 12 When the reading cycle
starts, the status bar is activated
The following information is available on the status bar during a reading cycle
Meter Reading Status
Yellow indicates the reading is paused Green indicates the reading is in progress
Reading Progress
Indicates the progress of the reading application As meters are read, the progress bar will
increase The ratio of read meters to unread meters is shown in numbers next to the progress bar
Read X of Y
Provides the meter reader with the number of endpoints loaded in the software and the
total number of endpoints that have been read In Figure 13, 5 of 10 meter endpoints have
been read
Either ORION ME (when an ORION ME FHSS mobile transceiver is connected) and/or ORION CE
(when an ORION CE FHSS mobile receiver is connected) will display in the lower right status bar
to indicate communication status between the ORS software and the mobile transceiver and/
or receiver
Green indicates good communication Red in
dicates no communication In Figure 13,
both the ORION ME and ORION CE show good communications status
Figure 13: Status bar after loading route
Displays when the GPS is operational No message shows on the status bar if GPS is off
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April 2014
ORION® Meter Reading System (ORS)