Martel Electronics DMC1400 User Manual

Page 52

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Starts and stops the pulse train when the calibrator is in pulse mode.
The parameters of the pulse train are set by commands PULSE_CNT,
and FREQ_LEVEL. Entering TRIG initializes the train. Entering the
command while the pulse train is running stops it.


Returns TRIGGERED if the pulse train is running, and returns
UNTRIGGERED when the pulse train is not running. Returns NONE
when the calibrator is not in pulse mode.


Sets the temperature sensor type to thermocouple, or to RTD for
temperature measurement. After the command add TC for
thermocouple, or RTD for RTDs. For example:

TSENS_TYPE TC sets the sensor type to thermocouple


Returns the type of sensor that is currently set to measure
temperature, either TC or RTD.


Sets the measuring mode for the upper display. After the command
enter DCI for mA, DCI_LOOP for mA with loop power, DCV for volts,
and PRESSURE for pressure. For example:

UPPER_MEAS DCV sets the upper display to measure volts


Sets the unit for measuring pressure on the upper display. Add the
unit after the command. The available pressure units and their syntax
are shown in Table 7. (Parameter Units). For example:

U_PRES_UNIT MMHG sets the pressure unit to millimeters of

mercury at 0°C


Returns the value of any measurement taking place on the upper
and lower display. For example, if the upper display is measuring
5mA, and the lower display is measuring 10V, then VAL? will return:

5.000000E-03, A, 1.000000E+01, V