Martel Electronics DMC1400 User Manual
Page 50

wire. For example:
RTD_WIRE 4W sets the connection to 4-wire
Returns the number of wires used in the RTD connection.
SET_CLOCK yyyy mm dd hh nn ss
Sets the calibrator date and time, where yyyy is the four digit year
(2006 to 2100), mm is the two digit month (1 to 12), dd is the two
digit day (1 to the number of days in the specified month), hh is the
two digit hour in 24 hour format (0 to 23), nn is the two digit minute
(0 to 59), and ss is the two digit second (0 to 59). Note that all two
digit values must have a leading zero if they have a value less than
10. Returns
enclosed in angle brackets. For example:
SET_CLOCK 2006 03 20 09 16 33
Sets the output for current simulation. This command also switches
the calibrator into mA simulation mode. A number and a unit must be
entered after the command. For example:
SIM 5 MA sets the current simulation at 5 mA
Returns the output of the current simulation. With the example
above, the output would be:
5.000000E-03, A
Clears test data for the specified tag from the calibrator. Once the
test data is cleared, it can not be recovered. Returns
successful, otherwise an error message enclosed in angle brackets.
For example:
Clears test data for all tags from the calibrator. Once the test data is
cleared, it can not be recovered. Returns
otherwise an error message enclosed in angle brackets.