Martel Electronics DMC1400 User Manual
Page 42

parameters that may be entered with the command as well as what
the output of the command is.
7.5-1 Common Commands
Clears the ESR, the error queue and the RQS bit. Also terminates all
pending operations. When writing programs, use before each
procedure to avoid buffer overflow.
Loads a byte into the Event Status Enable register. The command is
entered with a decimal number that, when converted to binary,
enables the right bits in the Event Status Register. For example:
*ESE 133
When 133 is converted to binary it is 10000101. Bits 7, 2, and 0 will
be enabled.
Returns the contents of the Event Status Enable register. The value
returned is a decimal. For example, if the register has the following
than the value returned will be 133.
Returns the contents of the Event Status Register in decimal form.
For example:
If the ESR contains 10111001, *ESR? will return 185.
Returns the manufacturer, model number, and firmware revision of
the Calibrator. For example:
*IDN? will return MARTEL,DMC1400,0,2.00
Enables the Operation Complete setting in the ESR. This setting
makes it possible to check if an operations is complete after it has
been initialized.
For example this operation could be used with the command