Martel Electronics DMC1400 User Manual

Page 51

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See the separate Tag Download and Upload Procedures manual for
detailed instructions on using this command to download tag
calibration test configuration data from a PC to the calibrator.


See the separate Tag Download and Upload Procedures manual for
detailed instructions on using this command to upload tag calibration
test results to a PC from the calibrator.


Sends a list of all tag ID's in the calibrator to a PC. Returns a list of
tag ID's, one per line, followed by if successful,
otherwise an error message enclosed in angle brackets. Each line
contains three data items separated from each other by spaces.
First, the position of the tag in the calibrator, an integer from 1 to 50.
Second, the status of the tag, a single character 'U' for downloaded
uncalibrated or 'C' for calibrated. Third, the tag number string of up
to 16 characters.


Sets the type of the thermocouple. All available types are shown in
the TC Types table in Section 8. (Specifications). For example:

TC_TYPE B sets thermocouple type to B


Returns the type of thermocouple the calibrator is set to.


Sets the temperature unit for sourcing and measuring RTD and TC.
Add CEL after the command for Celsius, and FAR for Fahrenheit. For

TEMP_UNIT CEL sets the temperature to be measured or

sourced to Celsius.


Returns the temperature unit that is currently used for measuring and
sourcing RTD and TC.