Martel Electronics DMC1400 User Manual

Page 33

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7.1 Setting up the RS-232 Port for Remote Control

Note: The RS-232 connection cable should not exceed 15m unless
the load capacitance measured at connection points is less than

Serial parameter values:

9600 baud

8 data bits

1 stop bit

no parity


EOL (End of Line) character or CR (Carriage Return) or both

To set up remote operation of the calibrator on the Windows Hyper
Terminal, connected to a COM port on the PC as in Figure 23, use
the following procedure:


Start Hyper Terminal (located in Accessories/Communications of
the Windows Start menu)


Select New Connection.


For Name enter DMC-1400. Select the serial port that the unit is
connected to.


Enter the above information for port settings.


Select ASCII setup from File/Properties/Settings and mark these

Echo typed characters locally

Wrap lines that exceed terminal width


Select Ok


To see if the port works enter *IDN?. This command will return
information on the unit.

7.2 Changing Between Remote and Local Operation

There are three modes of operation of the calibrator, Local, Remote,
and Remote with Lockout. Local mode is the default mode.
Commands may be entered using the keypad on the unit or using a
computer. In Remote mode the keypad is disabled, and commands
may only be entered using a computer, but choosing [GO TO
LOCAL] from the menu on the calibrator display will restore keypad
operation. In Remote with Lockout, the keypad can not be used at
all. To switch modes proceed as follows:

1. To enable Remote mode, type in the serial command REMOTE

at the computer terminal.