Specifications – Martel Electronics MasterCAL User Manual
Page 116
Users Manual
Fluke 80i-1010 Clamp-on DC/AC Current Probe
Fluke 80i-500s Clamp-on AC Current Probe
(requires the Y9108 adapter)
Fluke 80i-1000s Clamp-on AC Current Probe
(requires the Y91008 adapter)
Fluke 80i-kW Current and Power Probe
All specifications apply from +18
C to +28
C unless
stated otherwise.
All specifications assume a 5 minute warmup period.
Measurement specifications are valid only when
Damping is turned on. When damping is turned off,
or when the
annunciator is displayed, floor
specifications are multiplied by 3. Floor specifications
are the second part of the specifications, usually
expressed as "% of full scale." The measure
pressure, temperature, and frequency functions are
specified only with damping on.
The standard specification intervals for the
MasterCAL are 1 and 2 years. Typical 90-day source
and measurement accuracy can be estimated by
dividing the 1 year "% of Reading" or "% of Output"
specifications by 2. Floor specifications, expressed
as "% of f.s.", remain constant.
To achieve the best noise rejection, use battery
power and tie all three common jacks together.