3 scpi subsystem command/query structure, 1 abort subsystem, 2 display subsystem – KEPCO BOP 1KW-MG Operator Manual, Firmware Ver.2.48 to 3.04 User Manual

Page 117: 3 initiate subsystem, 4 list subsystem, 5 measure subsystem, Scpi subsystem command/query structure -53, Abort subsystem -53, Display subsystem -53, Initiate subsystem -53

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BOP HIPWR 101509




Subsystem commands/queries are related to specific power supply functions (such as setting
output voltage, current limit, etc.) Figure 3-18 is a tree diagram illustrating the structure of SCPI
subsystem commands used in the BOP Power Supply with the “root” at the left side, and spe-
cific commands forming the branches. The following paragraphs introduce the subsystems; sub-
system commands are defined and explained in Appendix B.


This subsystem allows pending trigger levels to be cancelled.


This subsystem controls the second line of the LCD. The first line will always display the LOCal
or REMote operation status and the constant Voltage (CV) or constant Current functioning mode


This subsystem enables the trigger system. When a trigger is enabled, the triggering action will
occur upon receipt of a GPIB , *TRG or TRIGger command. If a trigger circuit is not
enabled, all trigger commands are ignored.


The LIST subsystem allows the BOP to generate complex waveforms by executing a series of
points in order. Each point contains a value for the main channel (either voltage or current) and
the duration (dwell) that the value will appear at the output (from 93 microseconds to 0.034 sec-
ond. The list system supports from 2950 to 5900 points per waveform, depending on the num-
ber of different dwells in the waveform: For example, if each point in the list has the same
duration (a single dwell time), 5900 points are supported; if no more than 126 different dwell
times are specified, 3933 points are supported, and if each point has a different dwell, a maxi-
mum of 2950 points are supported. The number of points supported is determined automatically
by the BOP firmware.

The LIST subsystem includes a subsystem for waveform generation. The waveform generation
is invoked with the verb APPLY. When APPLY is added to a list:volt or list:curr command, the
BOP adds a series of points to the list arrays. The BOP can apply these points to approximate a
SINE, Triangle, RAMP (positive or negative) or square waveform or a level. The basic command
requires a type, frequency (or period for a level), a peak-to-peak amplitude (or amplitude for a
level).and offset (offset not needed for a level) The unit will create an appropriate number of
points in both the dwell and output control array to create the waveform centered on zero volts.
An optional offset can be added to the command to cause the BOP to generate a non-centered
waveform. For example, a 5 volt 400 Hertz sine wave may be centered at -3 volts. The list sub-
system has controls the allow the user to modify the unit's behavior to generate parts of wave-
forms and to used specific dwell times as appropriate. The APPLY subsystem accommodates
126 different segments in a single waveform provided the generated points fit in the array. See
paragraph for an explanation of how a waveform is generated by the BOP.


This query subsystem returns the voltage and current measured at the power supply's output