KEPCO BIT 232F User Manual
Page 62

BIT 232 022800
* RS232 command loop program for BIT232
* use ROM BIOS INT 14 function calls
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define PORT 2 /* serial port */
/* function prototypes */
void open_port(int n);
void put_serc(int n, int c);
int get_serc(int n);
int in_ready(int n);
int SendWecho(int n,int c);
void SendCommand(char *send_cmmd);
void SendCmmdWready(char *send_cmmd);
void main(void)
char string[80], stringm[80], wstr[80];
char volt[4], *curr = “;curr 0.5”;
char *test = “*tst?”;
char *reset = “*rst”;
char *msvolt = “meas:volt?;curr?”;
char *sterror = “syst:err?”;
char *id = “*idn?”;
int j,k,c,vl;
int on_line;
double max;
printf(“ ** BIT232 Command Loop Program - Press ALT + Q to exit \n”);
/* open the serial port */
/* get power supply id */
strcpy(string, id);
on_line = FALSE;
for (k=0; k < 10000; k++)
if (in_ready(PORT)) {
/* get character from serial port*/
c = get_serc(PORT);
/* display it if one was available */
if (c != EOF)
on_line = TRUE;
if (on_line == FALSE)
/* change the first \r in end of string */
for (j = 0; j < strlen(string); j++)