3 operation – Fire-Lite MS-2410BC Conventional Control Panel User Manual
Page 47
Document #50801 Rev. C 12/14/01 P/N 50801:C
Supervisory LED (Zones 9 and 10 Only)
A yellow LED that blinks to indicate the need for action in connection with the supervision or maintenance of
sprinklers, extinguishing systems or other protective systems. It turns on steady when a Signal Silence or
Acknowledge key is pressed.
Signal Silence LED
A yellow LED that turns on to indicate that an Alarm condition exists in the system, but Notification Appliance
Circuits (if programmed as silenceable) and local piezo sounder have been silenced.
A yellow LED that blinks to indicate that an NAC Trouble condition exists in the system. LED turns on steady
when a Signal Silence or Acknowledge key is pressed.
Ground Fault LED
A yellow LED that blinks to indicate a ground fault condition on the system. A ground fault occurs when a low
resistance between the FACP and ground exists. It turns on steady when a Signal Silence or Acknowledge key is
Battery Trouble
A yellow LED that blinks to indicate a low battery or no battery condition on the FACP. It turns on steady when a
Signal Silence or Acknowledge key is pressed.
Zone Disabled
A yellow LED that blinks to indicate that one or more alarm zones have been disabled using the Disable/Enable
key. The disabled zone(s) trouble LED will also be on. It turns on steady when a Signal Silence or Acknowledge
key is pressed.
Annunciator Trouble
A yellow LED that blinks to indicate that one or more remote annunciators (LED-10 Series, LDM-32, AFM
Series, etc.) are not responding correctly. It turns on steady when a Signal Silence or Acknowledge key is pressed.
Zone 1 through Zone 10 Alarm LED
Red LEDs that blink to indicate that an alarm exists on the corresponding zone. It turns on steady when a Signal
Silence or Acknowledge key is pressed.
Zone 9 and Zone 10 Supervisory LED
If the zone(s) is programmed for supervisory, a yellow LED will blink to indicate that a supervisory condition
exists on the corresponding zone. It turns on steady when a Signal Silence or Acknowledge key is pressed.
Zone 1 through Zone 10 Trouble LED
Yellow LEDs that blink to indicate that a fault or abnormal condition exists on the corresponding zone. It turns on
steady when a Signal Silence or Acknowledge key is pressed.
Normal Mode is the standard mode of operation. In this mode, the panel continuously monitors system status. When
no alarm or trouble conditions exist, all LEDs will be off (except the AC Power LED). The Notification Appliance
Circuits will be off, all relays are in their normal state and the onboard piezo sounder will be off.
All alarm and system trouble conditions are annunciated on the control panel's LEDs. The control panel will maintain
a 'last event list' which will consist of all alarms, supervisory alarms and system troubles currently active and not
cleared, requiring immediate service. When the system is cleared and restored to normal, the LEDs will be off except
for the AC Power LED. The last alarms and troubles are stored in a history file and may be recalled at any time.