Fire-Lite MS-2410BC Conventional Control Panel User Manual

Page 41

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Document #50801 Rev. C 12/14/01 P/N 50801:C


Program Features and Options

The Canadian Supervisory option functions in the same manner as the non Canadian Supervisory option except
the zone's supervisory alarm LED is yellow.

Alarm Verification

Alarm verification can be used only on zones 1 through 3. Two-wire smoke detectors alone should be installed on
all verified zones. After detecting a smoke detector activation on a verified zone, the panel removes power from
all zones for six seconds, resetting all 2-wire smoke detectors and normally open devices on nonverified zones. If
no short is detected, a 12 second retard period allows detectors to stabilize. During the retard/reset period of 18
seconds, subsequent alarms by the same initiating zone are ignored. An alarm detected on any other zone, during
the retard period, will cause immediate verified alarms. A subsequent alarm on the initiating zone occurring
within the confirmation time will cause a verified alarm on the verified zone.

If a nonverified zone has pull stations installed, the NACs may activate up to a maximum of seven seconds follow-
ing pull station activation if alarm verification has been initiated on zone 1, 2 or 3.

Note that during the alarm verification period, the system Supervisory LED and the zone alarm LED for the zone
being verified will blink at a ½ second On and ½ second Off rate and the piezo sounder will pulse at the same rate.
Access to other modes of operation is prevented during alarm verification.

Factory default selection is no verification. Consult the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction (LAHJ) prior to
enabling verification.

TABLE 3-6:

Supervisory Alarm - Zone 4 Alarm LED

Trouble Zone LED Number (yellow)

Supervisory Alarm Program Options


Enable Latching (factory default) = Zone 9 latching - LED On
Disable Latching = Zone 9 auto-resettable - LED Off


Enable Latching (factory default) = Zone 10 latching - LED On
Disable Latching = Zone 10 auto-resettable - LED Off


Enable Zone 9 Supervisory = Supervisory zone (factory default) - LED Off
Disable Zone 9 Supervisory = Smoke zone - LED On


Enable Zone 10 Supervisory = Supervisory zone (factory default) - LED Off
Disable Zone 10 Supervisory = Smoke zone - LED On


Enable Canadian Supervisory - LED On (factory default)
Disable Canadian Supervisory - LED Off

TABLE 3-7:

Alarm Verification- Zone 5 Alarm LED

Zone Trouble LED Number (yellow)

Alarm Verification Options


Enabled = Verify Alarm - LED On
Disabled = Do Not Verify Alarm (factory default) - LED Off


Verification Timing Diagram




6 Sec.

18 Sec.

0 Sec.

Detector Alarm Verification

Detector Zone goes into Alarm

Different Detector Zone Alarms

Alarm Ignored

Control Panel Processes Alarm if Same Detector Zone is Still in Alarm

30 Sec.

30 Sec.




18 Sec.

Control Panel Immediately Processes Alarm


6 Sec.