Contacting technical support – Edwards Signaling ReadySet User Manual

Page 43

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Chapter 5: Troubleshooting

ReadySET Aspirating Smoke Detection System Installers Handbook



Solution or corrective action

Flow fault errors

These occur when the airflow rate into the detector exceeds the
programmed parameters. This usually occurs when there has been some
change in conditions. It may indicate that a sampling pipe is damaged, or
that the pipe has been blocked, e.g., by nearby building operations.

Flow monitoring is too sensitive for the environment. Increase the flow limit

If the detector input is sampled from one area and the exhaust is in
another area with different pressure (e.g., the detector is in a roof space and
sampling from an enclosed room), this may lead to flow faults. In this case
it, would be necessary to lead a pipe from the exhaust to the protected area
to ensure nominal flow.

The airflow may be subject to temporary changes (spikes). Increase the flow
delay to 240 seconds.

Check that installed pipework is fitted with end caps. When used,
PipeCAD pipe modeling software prompts for the use of appropriate end
caps. Open bore pipes are not recommended.

Long transport

Sampling pipe may be too long or have too many sampling
holes/capillaries or incorrect hole sizes. Check the design with pipe
modeling software. For pre-engineered piping, ensure that the piping is
within the specified parameters.

Sampling pipes, sampling holes and/or the exhaust pipe may be partially
blocked by dust or debris. Clean pipe work with dry compressed air
and/or clean the sampling holes.

Fan may be defective. Send detector to manufacturer for repair.

Electrical lead from fan may be disconnected. Reconnect lead.

Detector laser chamber
error (“HEAD” LED

This occurs when a problem is present in the detector laser chamber.

Inspect wires that are connected to the laser head for damage and loose

Contacting technical support

Tel +1 800 655 4497
Fax +1 866 226 2126
[email protected]