Edwards Signaling F-DACT_F Digital Alarm Communicator User Manual
Description, Fcc information

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P/N 3101038 • REV 03 • REB 25JAN13
F-DACT(F) Digital Alarm Communicator
Transmitter Installation Sheet
The F-DACT(F) is a digital alarm communicator transmitter for
F-series fire alarm control panels. The F-DACT(F), also called
a dialer, transmits system status changes (events) to a
compatible digital alarm communicator receiver over the public
switched telephone network. The dialer is capable of split
reporting to two different account and telephone numbers.
In addition to dialer functions, the F-DACT(F) provides:
An LCD to display event messages and programming
An event history log of panel and DACT events
A modem for uploading and downloading panel
configuration, history, and current status to a PC running
compatible software
The F-DACT(F) modem is only rated for 2400 baud
communication. Some PC modems may not be compatible
with this baud rate.
The F-DACT(F) can be programmed to operate as a single or
dual line DACT/Modem/LCD display, a Modem/LCD display, or
an LCD display only. For the F-DACT(F) to be NFPA 72 CS
compliant, the following are required:
The factory installed warning label must be removed from
the F-DACT(F)’s line two phone jack
A second phone line, independent of that used for line one
must be connected to phone jack two
The F-DACT(F) must be programmed for dual line
The F-DACT(F) must be programmed to transmit a test
signal at least once every 24 hours
Leaving the JP1 wire loop intact configures the F-DACT(F) for
attended downloading. The panel will not allow changes to the
panel or dialer configuration unless the program jumper is
inserted. It will allow changes to receiver information (account
code, telephone numbers, etc.). UL requires the red wire loop
to be intact for all remote station systems.
For additional download security, the F-DACT(F) can be
programmed to perform a callback function. to prevent
unauthorized access to the panel’s programming.
The F-DACT(F) is listed for use with the digital alarm
communicator receivers listed below.
For CAN/ULC-S559 compliant configurations for fire signal
receiving centre and proprietary fire signal receiving centre
applications refer to CAN/ULC-S559 Supplement Manual,
P/N 3101563.
Manufacturers Models
EST 4/2, Contact ID
EST 4/2, Contact ID
OH 2000
EST 4/2, Contact ID
Radionics D6500 EST
EST 4/2. Contact ID
Silent Knight
EST 4/2
Sur-Gard MLR1,
EST 4/2, Contact ID
EST 4/2 is SIA DCS-02 P3 with the ability to transmit
hexadecimal event codes.
FCC Information
1. The dialer complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules. The
dialer’s FCC certification number and Ringer Equivalence
Number (REN) are displayed on the panel’s programming
label and in this manual. This information must be
provided to the telephone company if requested.
2. Two FCC compliant telephone cords with 8-pin modular
plugs at both ends are supplied with the FSDACT. The
dialer is designed to be connected to the telephone
network using the supplied cord and an RJ-31X or RJ-38X
jack, which must also comply with FCC Part 68 rules.
3. The REN is used to determine the maximum number of
devices that may be connected to a single telephone
circuit. All telephone devices are assigned a REN. The
sum of the RENs for all connected devices may not
exceed five. The maximum REN may vary in some areas.
Contact the local telephone provider for more information.
4. If the dialer causes harm to the telephone network, the
telephone company will notify you an advance that
temporary discontinuance of service may be required. If
advance notice is not practical, the telephone company
will notify you as soon as possible. You will also be
advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC, if
you believe it is necessary.
5. The telephone company may make changes in its
facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that could
affect the operation of the dialer. If this happens, the
telephone company will provide advance notice in order