Pearl control software, Data acquisition and analysis software – LumaSense Technologies Pearl Control User Manual

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Pearl Control Software

Data Acquisition and Analysis Software

The material contained herein consists of information that is the property of LumaSense Technologies and intended

solely for use by the purchaser of the equipment described in this manual. All specifications are subject to change
without notice. Changes are made periodically to the information in this publication, and these changes will be

incorporated in new editions.

LumaSense Technologies prohibits the duplication of any portion of this manual or the use thereof for any purpose

other than the operation or maintenance of the equipment described in this manual, without the express written
permission of LumaSense Technologies.

LumaSense License Agreement

This is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an entity), the end user, and LumaSense Technologies,
Inc. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, promptly return the disk package and accompanying items

(including written materials and binders or other containers) to the place you obtained them for a full refund.

Grant of License

This LumaSense License Agreement ("LICENSE") permits you to use one copy of the specified version of the LumaSense

software product identified above ("SOFTWARE") on any single computer, provided the SOFTWARE is in use on only one
computer at any time. If you have multiple Licenses for the SOFTWARE, then at any time you may have as many copies

of the SOFTWARE in use as you have Licenses. The SOFTWARE is "in use" on a computer when it is loaded into the
temporary memory (i.e., RAM) or installed into the permanent memory (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage

device) of that computer, except that a copy installed on a network server for the sole purpose of distribution to other
computers is not "in use". If the anticipated number of users of the SOFTWARE will exceed the number of applicable

Licenses, then you must have a reasonable mechanism or process in place to assure that the number of persons using the
SOFTWARE concurrently does not exceed the number of Licenses. If a Site License is purchased, the “COMPANY” may

install the SOFTWARE on any machine that is owned or leased and operated by the “COMPANY”. A Site License may not
be sold or transferred to any other individual or entity without the written consent of LumaSense Technologies.


The SOFTWARE is owned by LumaSense and is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty
provisions. Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material (e.g., a book or musical

recording) except that you may either (a) make one copy of the SOFTWARE solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b)
transfer the SOFTWARE to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. You

may not copy the written materials accompanying the SOFTWARE.

Other Restrictions

This LumaSense License Agreement is your proof of license to exercise the rights granted herein and must be retained by
you. You may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the


Limited Warranty

LumaSense warrants that the SOFTWARE will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written

materials for a period of one (1) year from the date of receipt. Any implied warranties on the SOFTWARE are limited to
one (1) year. Some states do not allow limitations on duration of an implied warranty, so the above limitation may not

apply to you.

Customer Remedies

LumaSense entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be, at LumaSense’s option, either (a) return of the price paid

or (b) repair or replacement of the SOFTWARE or hardware that does not meet LumaSense’s Limited Warranty and that
is returned to LumaSense with a copy of your receipt. This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the SOFTWARE or

hardware has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. Any replacement SOFTWARE will be warranted for the
remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer.

No Other Warranties

LumaSense disclaims all other warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the SOFTWARE, the accompanying written

materials, and any accompanying hardware. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have others,
which vary from state to state.