Yokogawa DO402 Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer User Manual
Page 88

IM 12J05D02-01E
10-4 Appendix
Error codes
Code Error description
Possible cause
Suggested remedy
Response time failure. Calibration failed to
Temperature unstable
Avoid draughts and
reach stability in 1 hour
direct sunshine
Zero calibration out of limits
Zero calibration not properly performed
Repeat carefully
Check limits ± 0.5 µA (±5.0nA)
Slope calibration out of limits
Calibration not properly performed
Repeat carefully
Check limits 40 to 200 %
Wrong membrane thickness set
Check code 01
Membrane failure
Perforated membrane
Replace and recalibrate
Temperature too high
Process temperature too high
Check process
> 50 °C/122 °F
Wrong sensor programmed
Check model code sensor
Incorrect wiring
Check connections and cable
Temperature too low
Process temperature too low
Check process
< 0°C/32 °F
Wrong sensor programmed
Check model code sensor
Incorrect wiring
Check connections and cable
Cell current abnormal
Sensor fault
Check membrane
Galvanic : outside -10 to 50 µA
Programming fault
Check setup
Polarographic: outside -100 to 500 nA
E10 EEPROM write failure
Fault in electronics
Try again, if unsuccessful
contact Yokogawa
E12 Abnormal measured value.
Wrong DO sensor or temperaure
Check code 01, 02, 10,
The dissolved oxygen value (%sat.)
sensor programmed.
12 and 54.
exceeds 150%. (or value set in Code 54)
Incorrect wiring.
Accurately perform calibration.
E15 Cable resistance influence to temperature
Cable resistance too high
Check cable
exceeds ±7.5°C (±13.5°F)
Corroded contacts
Clean and reterminate
Wrong sensor programmed
E16 Call for maintenance inetrval time
System not maintained in
Perfrom maintenance
preset time period
Reset interval
E17 Output span too small
Incorrect configuration by user
E18 Table values make no sense
Wrong data programmed
E19 Programmed values outside acceptable limits Incorrect configuration by user
E20 All programmed data lost
Fault in electronics
Contact Yokogawa
Very severe interference
E21 Checksum error
Software problem
Contact Yokogawa
E22 Alarm activation time exceeded
Process control not effective
Check control equipment
within set time
Adjust value in code 47