Do402g specifications, 1. general, Do402g specifications -1 – Yokogawa DO402 Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer User Manual

Page 17: 1. general -1

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IM 12J05D02-01E

Specification 2-1

2-1. General

A. Input specifications

: The DO402G Dissolved Oxygen

converter measures the cur-

rent, that is generated by the

Dissolved Oxygen sensor. The

flexibility of the input circuit

allows the use of many com-

mercially available sensors,

whether they are of the Galvanic

type (driving voltage generated

internally) or Polarographic type

(driving voltage supplied by con-


The input range varies from

0.0 nA up to 500 nA for optical,

polarographic sensors and 0.0

to 50 µA for galvanic sensors.

Temperature measurement for

automatic temperature compen

sation utilizes Pt100, PT1000

RTD elements or PB36 as used

in DOX8, DO30 and DO70G

sensors, as well as the 22 k

NTC as used by the Hamilton


B. Measurement ranges

- DO

: 0- 50 mg/l (ppm)

- Temperature : 0- 50 ºC (32- 122 ºF)

C. Span

- DO concentration

: minimum: 1 mg/l (ppm)

maximum: 50 mg/l (ppm)

- % saturation : minimum: 10 %

maximum: 300 %

- Temperature : minimum: 25 ºC (77 ºF)

maximum: 50 ºC (122 ºF)

D. Output Signals

: Two isolated outputs of 0/4- 20

mA DC with common nega-

tive. Maximum load 600 Ohm.

Auxiliary output can be chosen

from Temperature, DO, PI con-

trol, table, burn up (22 mA) or

burn down (0 or 3.5 mA) to sig-

nal failure

E. Temperature compensation

: 0- 50 ºC

Sensor types: Pt100 or Pt1000

RTD; PB36 (Yokogawa compat


22 k NTC (Ingold compatible)

Automatic or Manual tempera-

ture compensation

F. Calibration

: Semi-automatic calibration with

automatic compensation for

influence of barometric pressure

and altitude on partial pressure

of oxygen in air (or solubility

of oxygen in water). Automatic

compensation for influence of

salinity of water on solubility of

oxygen in water is programma-


The correction for pressure,

salinity and temperature meets

ISO 5814

Possible calibration routines are:

- Slope (span) calibration in

ambient air. The calibration

table is based on 70 % RH and

is determined empirically.

- Slope (span) calibration in

water, saturated with air:

according ISO 5814

- Zero calibration (normally inac-


G. Serial Communication

: Bi-directional according to the

EIA-485 standard using HART

protocol and PC402 software.

H. Logbook

: Software record of important

events and diagnostic data.

Available through RS485, with

key diagnostic information avail-

able in the display.

I. Display

: Custom liquid crystal display,

with a main display of 3





12.5 mm high. Message display

of 6 alpha numeric characters, 7

mm high.