4 jumper settings, 1 at/atx power mode select jumper, Umper – IEI Integration ECN-360A-HM65 User Manual
Page 62: Ettings, Table 4-28: jumpers

ECN-360A-HM65 Em b e d d e d S ys te m
P a g e 49
4.4 J u m p e r S e ttin g s
A jumper is a metal bridge used to close an
electrical circuit. It consists of two or three
metal pins and a small metal clip (often
protected by a plastic cover) that slides over
the pins to connect them. To CLOSE/SHORT
a jumper means connecting the pins of the
jumper with the plastic clip and to OPEN a
jumper means removing the plastic clip from a jumper.
The jumpers on the motherboard are listed in Table 4-28.
De s c rip tio n
La b e l
Typ e
AT/ATX power mode select
3-pin header
Clear CMOS
3-pin header
LVDS voltage select
3-pin header
LVDS panel resolution select
8-pin header
TPM setting
3-pin header
Flash descriptor security override J_FLASH1
3-pin header
Table 4-28: Jumpers
4.4.1 AT/ATX P o we r Mo d e S e le c t J u m p e r
J u m p e r La b e l:
J u m p e r Typ e :
3-pin header
J u m p e r S e ttin g s :
J u m p e r Lo c a tio n :
The AT/ATX Power Select jumper specifies the systems power mode as AT or ATX.