3 external interface panel connectors, 2 internal peripheral connectors, 1 audio connector – IEI Integration ECN-360A-HM65 User Manual
Page 40: Nternal, Eripheral, Onnectors, Table 4-2: rear panel connectors

ECN-360A-HM65 Em b e d d e d S ys te m
P a g e 27
4.1.3 Exte rn a l In te rfa c e P a n e l Co n n e c to rs
Table 4-2 lists the rear panel connectors on the motherboard. Detailed descriptions of
these connectors can be found in Section 4.3.
Co n n e c to r
Typ e
La b e l
Ethernet connectors
HDMI connectors
USB 2.0 ports
USB port
USB 3.0 ports
USB port
VGA port connector
15-pin female
Table 4-2: Rear Panel Connectors
4.2 In te rn a l P e rip h e ra l Co n n e c to rs
This section has complete descriptions of all the internal peripheral connectors on the
4.2.1 Au d io Co n n e c to r
CN La b e l:
CN Typ e :
10-pin header (2x5)
CN Lo c a tio n :
CN P in o u ts :
The 10-pin audio connector is connected to external audio devices including speakers and
microphones for the input and output of audio signals to and from the system.