Ct-7000 operating instructions – Vanguard CT-7000 User Manual
Page 22

CT-7000 Operating Instructions
8.3 Analog Voltage Monitor Hookup
The analog, voltage input, “V1” permits the user to monitor a breaker's DC control voltage
during an operation.
The analog, voltage input will record the nominal DC voltage at no load and
the minimum DC voltage while the Trip or Close coil is energized.
The nominal and minimal voltage readings will be printed on a tabulated report. Analog
waveforms will also be plotted in a graphical format. Thus, the user is able to see the breaker's
DC control voltage "dip" under load conditions. Problems, such as a poor connection or an
excessive voltage drop, during operation can be easily detected.
A typical voltage monitoring hook up scheme is shown on Figure 6.0.
The maximum voltage that can be recorded is set at 255 Vdc.
Figure 6.0 Voltage Monitoring Cable Hook-Up
8.4 Digital Voltage Monitor Hookup
The digital, voltage input channel, “V2” permits the user to monitor the voltage status as “ON”
or “OFF” states. The voltage “ON” or “OFF” states will be plotted on the graphical report. A typical
hook up is shown in Figure 6.0.