4 port status, 8 infusion, 9 crosssync control panel – Teledyne LeCroy SierraNet M168 User Manual Ver.1.50 User Manual
Page 36: 1 launching the crosssync control panel
Teledyne LeCroy
SierraNet M168 User Manual
Port Status
You can display an overview of the active ports by clicking the buttons at the bottom right
of the main window (see
1.8 InFusion
The Teledyne LeCroy InFusion™ Error Injector and Traffic Modifier is an error injector and
traffic modification tool that allows you to verify real‐world fault handling for SierraFC
systems (see
1.9 CrossSync
The CrossSync Control Panel allows you to select analyzers for synchronization and
manage the recording process. It supports a wide combination of Teledyne LeCroy’s
flagship analyzers including PCI Express, USB, DDR, Serial ATA (SATA), Serial Attached SCSI
(SAS), Fibre Channel (FC) and Ethernet.
CrossSync is Teledyne LeCroy’s analyzer synchronization solution that enables time‐
aligned display of protocol traffic from multiple daisy‐chained analyzers showing packet
traffic from multiple high‐speed serial busses. A lightweight software control panel allows
users to select analyzers for synchronization and manage the recording process. Captured
traffic is displayed using the latest analyzer software (in separate windows) with all the
protocol specific search and reporting features.
Captured packets are displayed in separate windows that share a common time scale.
Navigating the traffic in either direction will scroll to the same timestamp in a
synchronized window. When using the CrossSync option, users can access the full
complement of analysis capabilities available within the individual Teledyne LeCroy
software. Search, reporting, and decoding all operate normally.
This feature is available with the Teledyne LeCroy Net Protocol Suite software application.
Launching the CrossSync Control Panel
Click Start > Programs > LeCroy > CrossSync > CrossSync Control Panel to launch the