Staub Electronics WPS-100-DVR-8CH WIREPATH - 8 CHANNEL DVR W_500GB HDD User Manual
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WPS-100-DVR-8CH Installation and Users Manual
To navigate and operate this menu:
• ▲▼◄►
Press these buttons on the front panel of the DVR or remote control to select an item.
Alternatively use the mouse to select an item.
Press the ESC button on the front panel of the DVR or remote control to escape from this menu and
return to the main menu. Alternatively use the mouse to exit the sub menu by clicking on the “X.”
If the contents in this menu have been modified, a Save dialog box will be displayed requesting the
user to save the changes. Press ENTER on the front panel of the DVR or remote control to exit and
save, ESC to exit without saving. Another method to escape is to use the mouse to “right-click,”
and exit the sub menu.
The following is a brief description for each item in the sub menu and its specific operations:
Follow the Text Input method described in Section 4.1 to modify these items. Alternatively use the mouse and
the pop-up keyboard to enter these settings. Consultation with the network administrator or the email
provider may be required for these settings.
Enter the SMTP mail server name.
Enter the SMTP Port for e-mail transmission. The default value is 25.
Press ENTER or +/- on the front panel of the DVR or on the remote control to enable or disable this item
depending on whether the SMTP mail server requires authentication. Alternatively use the mouse to
enable or disable this setting.
Enter the Username to the email service.
Enter the Password to the email service.
Enter the e-mail address of the associated email account
Note: This setting is specific and must match email client settings used to access an email account or the
email feature will not be operable. Do not enter generic text in this field.
• MAIL TO #1-5
The DVR can send e-mails originated from triggered events to up to five different email addresses.
Enter the appropriate e-mail addresses in these fields.
Press +/- buttons on the front panel of the DVR or on the remote to attach a picture from the
corresponding camera to e-mail being sent. Optional picture sizes for the attachment can be set
to Original to match the recorded resolution or QCIF (Quarter CIF is 176 x 144 pixels) to reduce the
size of the attachment. Select N/A to disable attachments.
Note: If the DVR’s resolution is set to Half D1, picture attachments in the e-mail will appear “squished”
since the DVR reduces the horizontal lines by half (therefore reducing storage space and bandwidth
requirements). This only effects e-mails and not live or recorded .h264 playback video.