Robot waterbase applicator - safety – Ransburg Evolver Water Applicator 78863-90, 78863-60 User Manual

Page 8

background image


Tells where hazards
may occur.


Tells what the hazard is.


Tells how to avoid the hazard.

Spray Area / High

Voltage Equipment

Personnel Safety

Skin puncturing by sharp elec-


Take precautions to see that flesh is not punctured by

sharp electrode.


Robot Waterbase Applicator - Safety

There is a high voltage device that

can induce an electrical charge on

ungrounded objects which is capa-

ble of igniting coating materials.

Inadequate grounding will cause

a spark hazard. A spark can ignite

many coating materials and cause

a fire or explosion.

Parts being sprayed must be supported on conveyors

or hangers and be grounded. The resistance between

the part and ground must not exceed 1 megohm.

All electrically conductive objects in the spray area, with

the exception of those objects required by the process

to be at high voltage, must be grounded.

Any person working in the spray area must be ground-


Unless specifically approved for use in hazardous loca-

tions, the power supply and other electrical control

equipment must not be used in Class 1, Division 1 or

2 locations.

Robot Work Area -

General Use and


Improper use or maintenance can

lead to hazardous conditions, par-

ticularly from unexpected robot

manipulator movement.

Applicator adjustments or maintenance should be done

after the robot is taken out of service. Do not adjust or

repair the applicator if the robot is operating or stand-

ing ready to start.

Refer to robot operating instructions for the procedures

to take the robot out of service.
