Introduction – Fairbanks FB3000 Highway System Application User Manual
Page 17

51188 Rev. 1
Section 3: Highway System Mode of Operation
Highway System Application
is specifically designed and intended for
multi-platform truck scale weighing
The FB3000 Highway System typically weighs a semi-truck in one
weighment, depending on the number of scales and length of trailer.
This system is superior to an axle scale since the weight can be obtained
in one weighment, and it can still provide axle weight information.
In the
Pay-to-Weigh Application
, different fees are charged for different
weighment types.
The bigger the truck, the larger the fee.
Re-weighment fees are required to allow a truck to weigh. If the weights
are outside what is legal for over the road, the truck weights must be
adjusted, usually by shifting the load around.
A report ticket prints and is given to the truck driver, providing information
about where the load needs to be shifted.
column in this
illustration is a programmable
within the application.
When the truck re-weighs, this fee
is usually less that the original
weighment fee minutes before.