1 important information and initial checkout – Electronics International CGR-30P User Manual
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2.1 Important Information and Initial Checkout:
A. The installer and aircraft owner must read the Warranty/Agreement before starting the
The installer and aircraft owner must read the Warranty/Agreement before starting the
The installer and aircraft owner must read the Warranty/Agreement before starting the
The installer and aircraft owner must read the Warranty/Agreement before starting the
The installer and aircraft owner must read the Warranty/Agreement before starting the
installation. There is information in the Warranty/Agreement that may alter your decision to install
this instrument. If you do not accept the terms of the Warranty/Agreement, do not install
If you do not accept the terms of the Warranty/Agreement, do not install
If you do not accept the terms of the Warranty/Agreement, do not install
If you do not accept the terms of the Warranty/Agreement, do not install
If you do not accept the terms of the Warranty/Agreement, do not install
this instrument.
this instrument.
this instrument.
this instrument.
this instrument.
B. If you are not an FAA Certified Aircraft Mechanic familiar with the issues of installing
If you are not an FAA Certified Aircraft Mechanic familiar with the issues of installing
If you are not an FAA Certified Aircraft Mechanic familiar with the issues of installing
If you are not an FAA Certified Aircraft Mechanic familiar with the issues of installing
If you are not an FAA Certified Aircraft Mechanic familiar with the issues of installing
engine and aircraft instruments,
engine and aircraft instruments,
engine and aircraft instruments,
engine and aircraft instruments,
engine and aircraft instruments, Do not attempt to install this instrument.
Do not attempt to install this instrument.
Do not attempt to install this instrument.
Do not attempt to install this instrument.
Do not attempt to install this instrument. The installer
The installer
The installer
The installer
The installer
should use current aircraft standards and practices to install this instrument (refer to AC
should use current aircraft standards and practices to install this instrument (refer to AC
should use current aircraft standards and practices to install this instrument (refer to AC
should use current aircraft standards and practices to install this instrument (refer to AC
should use current aircraft standards and practices to install this instrument (refer to AC
4 3 . 1 3 ) .
4 3 . 1 3 ) .
4 3 . 1 3 ) .
4 3 . 1 3 ) .
4 3 . 1 3 ) .
C. Check that any necessary FAA Approvals are available for your aircraft before starting
Check that any necessary FAA Approvals are available for your aircraft before starting
Check that any necessary FAA Approvals are available for your aircraft before starting
Check that any necessary FAA Approvals are available for your aircraft before starting
Check that any necessary FAA Approvals are available for your aircraft before starting
the installation. The STC and AML is located in section 8 of this manual.
the installation. The STC and AML is located in section 8 of this manual.
the installation. The STC and AML is located in section 8 of this manual.
the installation. The STC and AML is located in section 8 of this manual.
the installation. The STC and AML is located in section 8 of this manual.
D. Read the Installation Instructions entirely and resolve any issues you may have before
before starting the
installation. This may eliminate any delays once the installation is started.
E. Inspect the contents of this package prior to installation.
If the CGR-30P system is to be in-
If the CGR-30P system is to be in-
If the CGR-30P system is to be in-
If the CGR-30P system is to be in-
If the CGR-30P system is to be in-
stalled into a certified aircraft, check that the Model Number listed on the TSO label
stalled into a certified aircraft, check that the Model Number listed on the TSO label
stalled into a certified aircraft, check that the Model Number listed on the TSO label
stalled into a certified aircraft, check that the Model Number listed on the TSO label
stalled into a certified aircraft, check that the Model Number listed on the TSO label
incorporates the Aircraft ID for which it is to be installed. Each CGR-30P display is
incorporates the Aircraft ID for which it is to be installed. Each CGR-30P display is
incorporates the Aircraft ID for which it is to be installed. Each CGR-30P display is
incorporates the Aircraft ID for which it is to be installed. Each CGR-30P display is
incorporates the Aircraft ID for which it is to be installed. Each CGR-30P display is
configured for a specific aircraft and should only be installed in that aircraft only.
configured for a specific aircraft and should only be installed in that aircraft only.
configured for a specific aircraft and should only be installed in that aircraft only.
configured for a specific aircraft and should only be installed in that aircraft only.
configured for a specific aircraft and should only be installed in that aircraft only.
F. Do not install a non-certified CGR in a certified aircraft.
Do not install a non-certified CGR in a certified aircraft.
Do not install a non-certified CGR in a certified aircraft.
Do not install a non-certified CGR in a certified aircraft.
Do not install a non-certified CGR in a certified aircraft. A certified CGR lists the applicable
TSO numbers at the bottom of the Model Label attached to the back panel of the CGR.
G. Before starting the installation make sure the instrument will fit in the intended installa-
Before starting the installation make sure the instrument will fit in the intended installa-
Before starting the installation make sure the instrument will fit in the intended installa-
Before starting the installation make sure the instrument will fit in the intended installa-
Before starting the installation make sure the instrument will fit in the intended installa-
tion location without obstructing the operation of any controls.
tion location without obstructing the operation of any controls.
tion location without obstructing the operation of any controls.
tion location without obstructing the operation of any controls.
tion location without obstructing the operation of any controls. CFR 23.1321(a) states,
“Each flight, navigation, and powerplant instrument for use by any required pilot during takeoff,
initial climb, final approach, and landing must be located so that any pilot seated at the controls can
monitor the airplane’s flight path and these instruments with minimum head and eye movement.”
AC 23.1311 provides one method (but not the only method) of complying with this CFR. AC
23.1311 recommends a powerplant instrument be installed within a distance of 21" from the pilot’s
visual centerline to the middle of the instrument. The pilot’s visual centerline is a perpendicular line
from the pilot’s eye to the instrument panel. In most aircraft, installing the CGR-30P to the right of
the Radio Stack would be acceptable. In some aircraft, the visual centerline falls to the right of the
Attitude Indicator.
If the powerplant instrument cannot be installed within 8" of the pilot’s visual centerline, AC 23.1311
recommends Master Caution and Warning Lights be installed. Installation of Master Caution and
Warning Lights is covered in this manual.
H. If this instrument is to replace an existing gauge in the aircraft, it is the installer’s responsibility to
move or replace any existing instruments or components in accordance with FAA approved methods
and procedures (see AC 43.13).
I. An Installation Checklist is provided to assist the installation of the CGR system. It does not replace
the instructions located in this manual.