PSA PIN388D/PIN388L Installer Manual User Manual
Page 37

PINKERTON Installer Manual
The following addresses must be programmed for test reports to function correctly.
Address 090 (Test Input)
Address 090 enables the test report input. Enable options 3 (for dialler) and 8 (for 24hr) at
this address to enable test reports.
Address 106 (Test Time)
Sets the time between test reports. (From 0 - 165 hours).
To program test times of greater than 99 hours use the
key sequence. See page 31.
Address 246 (Test Report Delay)
If a time is programmed in address 246 (Test Report Delay), then the first test report will occur
that many hours after you perform a panel reset.
The reason for delaying the first test report is to set the time of day when the panel will actually
send test reports. Most central stations prefer test reports to be sent during non-peak hours, i.e.,
midnight to 6am. If a Test Report Delay is not set, the panel will send test reports at the intervals
programmed by the test time starting when the panel is reset after programming.
Example: If you program Test Reports for 24hrs and you are installing and programming the
panel at 4pm. Then test reports will be sent at 4pm every day; this time may not suit the central
station. To make the panel send test reports at 3am every day, program address 246 (Test Report
Delay) for 11 hours. Therefore if the panel is programmed and reset at 4pm, the first test report
will follow 11 hours later at 3am. From there on, test reports will follow every 24hrs.
Address 108 (Trim Time)
The Trim Time option can be used to make the time reporting period more accurate. Setting Trim
Time to a number other than 00 will reduce the time between test reports by that many minutes.
For example if the Test Time was set to 12 (hours) but the reports were actually 12 hours, 7
minutes apart, then setting Trim Time to 07 would correct the error.
Note 1: If the test input is enabled, pressing key
followed by key
will manually trigger a
test report.
Note 2: When you have finished programming, reset the panel (address 254) to enable new
Test report programming - Step by step
At address 090, enable test reporting by turning on options 3 and 8.
At address 106, enter the number of hours you would like between test reports.
At address 246, enter the numbers of hours to delay the first test report.
Reset the panel by entering 254 while in program mode.
[At this stage the
will pick up the phone line and send a test report. This initialises the
test reporting timer. The “first” test report will be delayed by the number of hours programmed
at address 246.]