Rotary motion sensor, Description, Light source – PASCO OS-8539 Educational Spectrophotometer User Manual
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E d u c a t i o n a l S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r A c c e s s o r y K i t a n d S y s t e m
D e s c r i p t i o n
Recommended Equipment for use with the Spectrophotometer Accessory Kit:
Components of the System
The OS-8539 Educational Spectrophotometer System includes the items in the Spectrophotometer Accessory Kit
plus the following:
Recommended Equipment for use with both the Kit and the System:
The Spectrophotometer allows you to view and mea-
sure the spectral pattern (spectrum) produced by a
light source. The Collimating Slits and Collimating
Lens produce a narrow beam of parallel light rays.
The Grating disperses the beam of light into a spec-
trum with different colors at different angles but with
all of the light of a given color in a parallel beam. The
Focusing Lens focuses these parallel beams of color
into spectral lines (see Fig. 2). The narrow slit on the
Aperture Disk (part of the Aperture Bracket) allows
light of a single color to enter the High Sensitivity Light Sensor. The High Sensitivity Light Sensor (included
with the Spectrophotometer System) measures the intensity of the light while the Rotary Motion Sensor
(included with the Spectrophotometer System) measures the angle to which the light is diffracted by the Grating.
Basic Optics System (OS-8515)
High Sensitivity Light Sensor (CI-6604)
Aperture Bracket (OS-8534)
Rotary Motion Sensor (CI-6538)
Optics Bench (60 cm)
Rotary Motion Sensor (CI-6538)
High Sensitivity Light Sensor (CI-6604)
Aperture Bracket (OS-8534)
Light Source (such as SE-9466 Mercury Spectral Tube)
Rod, 45 cm (ME-8736) (2)
Spectral Tube Power Supply and Mount (SE-9460)
Large Rod Stand (ME-8735) (2)
Rotary Motion Sensor
Aperture Bracket
DIN-to-DIN cable
High Sensitivity Light Sensor
Optics Bench (60 cm)
Aperture Bracket Holder
Figure 1b: Additional Components of the Spectrophotometer System
Light Source
Collimating Slit
Collimating Lens
Diffraction Grating
Focusing Lens
spectral line
Figure 2: Grating Spectrometer