Laurel Electronics LAUREATE SERIES COUNTER_TIMER User Manual
Page 54

EEPROM via the serial communications. Up to 240 data points may be
entered into a test file with one set of values equivalent to input signal and
the second set of values the desired display at that input.
Either alarm may operate in the deviation mode. In the menu item
"deviation", a value is entered equivalent to the amount above and below
the setpoint at which the alarm operates. For example, if the value entered
is 100, and the setpoint value is 1000, the alarm would energize above
1100 and below 900.
The meter is calibrated such that a scale factor of 1 and offset of 0 causes
the input to the meter to display directly in Hertz with a resolution of 1 Hz.
To increase or decrease the resolution, the scale factor multiplier may be
increased or decreased.
Gate Time
The Gate Time determines the update time of the display. The longer the
time, the slower the outputs and display are updated, but in most modes,
the longer the Gate Time, the more cycles of the input signal that are
averaged to produce the reading. In the total mode, the gate is always
open, but the gate time setting still determines the update rate of the
meter. The actual conversion rate of the meter is the Gate Time + 1 period
of the input signal. At very low frequencies, the update rate of the meter
becomes slow due to the period of the input exceeding the Gate Time.
Either alarm may operate in the hysteresis mode. In the menu item
"deviation", a value is entered equivalent to the amount above and below
the setpoint at which the alarm operates. For example, if the value entered
is 10, and the setpoint value is 1000, if the alarm is set to energize above
the setpoint, the alarm would energize above 1010 would not deenergize
until the displayed value goes below 990. This mode reduces relay chatter
and excessive cycling of the load.
Item refers to the display Item number. For example, in Total A+B, the
sum of A + B is Item #1, Total A is Item #2 and Total B is Item #3. When
the meter is reset, Item #1 is always displayed, to view another Item,
depress and release the reset button. When Item 1 is displayed, the
yellow view (V) LED is out item 2 the LED is lit, and item 3 the LED flashes.
An offset value from -999,999 to 999,99 may be entered in the offset menu
item. The offset may be used in the totalize mode as a preset value and
the total is counted down from the preset to zero.
Period is the time of one complete cycle of the input frequency. A scale
factor of 1 and multiplier of 1 produce a display in microseconds.
A quadrature encoder generates 2 signals 90 degrees out of phase. The
phase relationship depends on the direction of rotation of the encoder.
The meter counts up or down depending on the phase. Quadrature is
used to determine length or position.