Laurel Electronics LAUREATE SERIES COUNTER_TIMER User Manual
Page 32
the preset value, or to count down from the preset value to 0. The preset value is placed
in Setpoint 1 and the Batch Total is the total with Scale1 and decimal point1 applied. In
the Batch mode, Scale1 is set to a positive value to count up and a negative value to
count down. Offset1 is set to zero when counting up and to the preset value when
counting down.
The Grand Total is kept as Item #2. Scale1 and decimal point1also apply to the Grand
Total except the absolute value is used so that the Grand Total always increases from
an initial value of zero when the counter is initially Reset. It is calculated as the sum of
the previous Batch Totals + the current Batch Total. The Grand Total can overflow to
the exponential format.
As an alternative, Item #2 can be configured to be the Number of Batches instead of the
Grand Total. If it is, Scale2 does not apply to it and the Decimal Point is always 1.
Item #3 is the Rate calculated with a selectable gatetime. Scale2, Offset2 and decimal
point 2 apply to the Rate.
Relay #2 is activated by Setpoint#2, and may be configured for either
Item#1 - Batch Total (Pre-warn),
Item #2 - Grand Total or # Batches, or
Item #3 - Rate.
Rate A, Total A rate is calculated the same as Rate A above and displayed as Item1
and total is calculated based on the rate versus time between conversions. Scale2 and
Offset2 are calculated from the displayed rate and apply to total. The rate may be
displayed as units per second, per min, or per hour but the total is always incremented
by the displayed value of the rate every second when the scale factor is set to 1. If the
rate is per minute, the rate must be multiplied by 1/60 , so that the total will equal the
displayed rate at the end of 1 min. To totalize units per hour , the rate must be multiplied
by 1/3600. The scale and multiplier for Scale 2 is set to 1.66667 and .01 for units per
minute and 2.77778 and .0001 for units per hour. Total is displayed as Item 2.
Total A, Rate A same as above except total is displayed as Item1 and rate as Item2
1/Rate A is the voltage or current input converted to a frequency output of 0 to 100kHz.
The period of the frequency is measured and converted to time by applying Scale1 and
Offset1. Scaling may also be set by using coordinates of 2 points where low and high
input signals and the corresponding low and high displayed values are entered. An
example is converting speed to time and displaying the time an item takes to travel
through an oven.