Console 1 rx audio output adjustment, Console 2 rx audio output adjustment, 5 console 1 rx audio output adjustment – CTI Products TSAM Transmitter Steering & Audio Matrix User Manual

Page 66: 6 console 2 rx audio output adjustment

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TSAM Installation and Maintenance Rev. 2.10

Chapter 7

CTI Products, Inc.

Tone Timing Diagrams



Console 1 RX Audio Output Adjustment

The Console 1 RX Audio line has receive audio for the currently steered site. The currently steered site is
not always the same as the currently voted site. Main channel RX audio is the audio from the system
comparator, which is the audio from the currently voted site. In most systems there is no need for Console
1 RX Audio from the TSAM, and it is left unconnected. Some systems may use the Console 1 RX Audio
line for special monitoring functions or for a site intercom. In this case set the Console 1 RX audio outputs
to the level required by the application. The outputs are factory adjusted to -4dBm peak (-10 dBm
average) voice levels.

To Set Console 1 RX Audio Line Output

1. Force select a site on the Main channel.

2. Generate the 1000 Hz reference tone from the base station as in section 6.4.1.

3. Connect an AC voltmeter to the Console 1 RX Audio line output.

4. Set the line level to the maximum level required by the console.

5. Make any necessary level adjustments on the console (Centracom Series II has no input level



Console 2 RX Audio Output Adjustment

The console 2 RX Audio line has the receive audio from the currently selected secondary site. This audio
connects to the console's RX audio line for the secondary channel. If your system does not provide
secondary operation, this line is not connected.

To Set Console 2 RX Audio Line Output

1. Enable the secondary channel by selecting a secondary site and frequency.

2. Generate the 1000 Hz reference tone from the base station as in section 6.4.1. Make sure your signal

generator is set to the selected secondary frequency.

3. Connect an AC voltmeter to the Console 2 RX Audio line output.

4. Set the line level to the maximum level required by the console.

5. Make any necessary level adjustments on the console (Centracom Series II has no input level
