Tsam audio switching, Figure 2 tsam audio path diagram, 5 tsam audio switching – CTI Products TSAM Transmitter Steering & Audio Matrix User Manual
Page 12
TSAM Installation and Maintenance Rev. 2.10
Chapter 1
CTI Products, Inc.
System Description
TSAM Audio Switching
Transmit Audio from the radio control console microphone enters the TSAM through the Console 1
(Main--Steered Channel) and Console 2 (Secondary Channel) audio line inputs. A PTT signal for both
Console 1 and 2 is also connected to the TSAM.
When an operator keys the Main channel, transmit audio from the console is routed through the TSAM to
the steered transmitter line output. The proper keying tones are sent to the steered transmitter, thereby
keying the transmitter and passing console audio. The TSAM routes the console transmit audio to any one
of 8 audio line outputs. Audio is also routed out the expansion bus to other TSAMs, for systems with more
than 8 transmitters.
For Main channel operation, the comparator selects the best receive audio source and routes this audio to
the console Main channel RX audio port.
For TSAM units with Secondary Mode operation, receive audio also connects to the TSAM. The TSAM
routes secondary audio from the selected secondary site to the console secondary channel RX audio port.
Figure 2 TSAM Audio Path Diagram