Centracom series ii, Other consoles, Receive 1-8 line input adjustment – CTI Products TSAM Transmitter Steering & Audio Matrix User Manual
Page 65: Generating a rx peak reference tone, Input range jumper selection, 3 centracom series ii, 4 other consoles, 2 input range jumper selection

TSAM Installation and Maintenance Rev. 2.10
Chapter 7
CTI Products, Inc.
Tone Timing Diagrams
Manually force select TX 1 from the console by pressing the force site select button, or manually select
TX 1 by force voting the system comparator long enough for the TSAM to steer to that site. The time will
vary depending on system settings; 2 seconds is normally sufficient.
Centracom Series II
Generate a console test tone by resetting the Main channel BIM. During the 5 second 1000 Hz tone, set
the TX 1 output to 6dB below the TELCO maximum allowable line level. HLGT will be generated at 6dB
above the console test tone and will be at the maximum allowable line level.
When adjusting base station deviation, the console test tone is set for approximately 3 KHz of deviation.
6.3.4 Other
Key the Main channel from the console and hold the PTT switch. A tone keying sequence is sent to the
TX 1 line and Low Level Guard Tone (LLGT) remains while PTT is held. While generating LLGT, set
the TX 1 output to 30 dB below the TELCO maximum allowable line level. With Low Level Guard Tone
set to 30 dB below maximum line level, the average voice level is 6 dB below maximum line level. High
Level Guard Tone is at maximum line level (or -10 dB if that option is programmed).
Receive 1-8 Line Input Adjustment
Generating a RX Peak Reference Tone
Attach an AC voltmeter to the base station line output terminals.
Inject a 1000 uV carrier frequency signal at the antenna input to the receiver, modulated with a 1000 Hz
tone at
±5 KHz deviation.
Set the line level adjustment on the base for the maximum allowed on the telephone line
Input range jumper selection
The TSAM inputs have two jumper selectable impedance values and three level ranges. To make these
selections, refer to Table 7 and Table 8 on page 70.
Factory settings are -8 to +6 dBm input range adjusted for -4 dBm peak input (-10 dBm average voice),
and 10K input impedance. The high impedance input range allows the TSAM RX inputs to be bridged
across the line with other equipment. Typically the TSAM RX inputs are connected across the system
comparator inputs which should have a 600
Ω terminating impedance.
At the TSAM location make the following adjustments:
Set the RX input range jumper for the RX level expected on the telephone line. If this is not known, -16
dBm peak is a good starting point. The TSAM inputs are jumpered for the -8 to +6 dBm range and set for
a maximum -4 dBm peak input level at the factory.
Connect an AC voltmeter to the RX 1 Test point
While the 1000 Hz RX Peak Reference Tone generated in the previous adjustment (see section 6.4.1) is
still present on the phone line, set the RX 1 input pot for an indication of 0 dBm.
Repeat this adjustment for any receivers connected to RX2 - RX8