CTI Products EXB-IP Ethernet System Extender User Manual
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CTI Products, Inc.
EXB-IP User Guide
IP Configuration – EXB Config
Comparing Configurations / Viewing Configuration Data in a Module
To verify that the configuration was uploaded successfully, right-click the member. A pop-up will appear.
Select View Details from the drop-down list as shown below.
A confirmation dialog will appear. Press the OK button to continue. Press the Cancel button to abort viewing
the details of the module.
If the OK button was pressed, a progress dialog will appear as shown below.
See also other documents in the category CTI Products Computer Accessories:
- MCN RCD System Overview (46 pages)
- MCN RCD System Planner (53 pages)
- RCD Standard - Remote Comparator Display (2 pages)
- RCD Standard - Remote Comparator Display (119 pages)
- RCD Client-Server (2 pages)
- RCD Advanced Client-Server (169 pages)
- RCD Advanced Client-Server (2 pages)
- MCN Server 8000 (3 pages)
- MCN Server 8000 (232 pages)
- EXB Network Manager (48 pages)
- HIB-IP IP Interface (2 pages)
- HIB-IP IP Interface (36 pages)
- HIB-232 Serial Interface (2 pages)
- HIB-232 Serial Interface (19 pages)
- PCLTA PCI Interface (2 pages)
- PCLTA PCI Interface (33 pages)
- IIB Console Interface (2 pages)
- IIB Console Interface (26 pages)
- CIB Comparator Interface (2 pages)
- CIB Comparator Interface (40 pages)
- AIB AstroTAC Interface (2 pages)
- AIB AstroTAC Interface (19 pages)
- EXB-IM PSTN System Extender (4 pages)
- EXB-IM PSTN System Extender (31 pages)
- GPIO General Purpose I/O Interface (3 pages)
- GPIO General Purpose I/O Interface (26 pages)
- GPIO-CVT Buffer/Logic Converter (2 pages)
- IOB I/O Interface (33 pages)
- CHIB CommandSTAR Lite Host Interface Module (22 pages)
- CCU Channel Control Unit (24 pages)
- CCU-2 Channel Control Unit (21 pages)
- RYB-8 Relay Board (2 pages)
- RYB-8 Relay Board (17 pages)
- Quad Router Panel (2 pages)
- OTAL On-the-Air Driver Assembly (22 pages)
- OTAL On-the Air Terminal Board and Lamp (14 pages)
- DC Distribution Panel (9 pages)
- TSAM Transmitter Steering & Audio Matrix (2 pages)
- TSAM Transmitter Steering & Audio Matrix (97 pages)
- TIB TSAM Interface (2 pages)
- TIB TSAM Interface (24 pages)
- TurboVUi Solo Client Software (1 page)
- TurboVUi Solo Client Software (12 pages)
- TurboVUi Solo Client Software (16 pages)