Cashco Siemens PS2 I/P User Manual

Page 95

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Explanations of column “Error codes”:


Monitoring of control error
In automatic operation the error between setpoint and actual value is

monitored continuously. The fault message is activated with unchanged

control error according to the setting of the parameters 48. TIM, moni-

toring time for setting the fault messages and 49 LIM, response thres-

hold of the fault message. As soon as the control error drops back be-

low the response threshold, the fault message is reset.


Monitoring automatic operation
A fault message is generated when the instrument is not in the automa-

tic mode at the appropriate parameter setting “47. FCT”. In this way the

control system can be warned for example when the instrument has

been switched to manual operation or Configuration on site.


Digital input DI1 or DI2 active
A fault message is generated when the digital input is activated at the

the corresponding setting of the parameter “47. FCT”, function of the

fault message output and the parameter “42.BIN1”, function digital in-

put 1. This may be a switch for stuffing box monitoring, a temperature

switch or a limit value switch for example.
Digital input 2 (on the alarm module option) can be configured in the

same way.


Monitoring of number of strokes


Monitoring of number of changes of direction
The two values number of strokes and number of changes of direction

are compared continuously with the limit values which are specified

with the parameters “50. STRK” and “51. DCHG”. The fault message

output responds when exceeded. Both functions can be deactivated

with the parameter setting ”OFF”.


Monitoring of the bottom hard stop (valve seat)


Monitoring of the top hard stop
Monitoring of the bottom hard stop is activated when the parameter

“52. ZERO” has a value


OFF. Errors of the valve seat can be detected

with this function for example. Exceeding of the limit value may hint at

deposits or foreign bodies in the valve seat. Exceeding the limit value

may be caused by wear of the valve seat. Mechanical maladjustment of

the position feedback may also trigger this error message.
Monitoring takes place every time the valve is in sealing position. The

current position is compared with the one determined during initializa-

tion as a bottom end stop. Activation of the sealing bottom function (pa-

rameter “39.YCLS”) is therefore a prerequisite.
Example: 3% is set as a value. Normally the setting 0% is adopted

when sealed. If a value >3% or <--3% is determined instead, a fault is
