5 start up – Global Specialties PB-507 - Manual User Manual
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The PB-507 has a powerful 1 MHz bandwidth Function Generator with sine,
triangle, and square wave output for analog circuits. A Pulse Generator operates
like a second, independent Function Generator with the additional feature that
you can modify the duty cycle to any percentage you like. Use the Counter
module to report on the frequency output of your own specially designed circuits.
Choose your power source: 6.3 /12.6V AC power, 5v DC or variable ±20V DC.
Draw power from the typical banana plug connections or simply tie in to the
additional tie-point power supplies above each breadboard bus strip.
The circuit breadboard area includes over 4100 contact points and is flush
mounted with the unit as are most all switches and controls. The breadboard
area is removable for easy replacement or classroom demonstration.
A built-in speaker may be used for analog output. Outputs also include two
debounced pushbutton switches and a bank of eight logic switches. Eight logic
indicators may be used to display high and low logic levels. A built-in logic probe
is useful in circuit troubleshooting and a hexa 7 segment LED display may be
used in circuit designs.
Two built-in potentiometers and two SPDT switches are provided for circuit
control and adjustment. Connections to external test equipment or a signal
source may be made using the two BNC connectors.
The PB-507 eliminates the clutter and confusion that often results when
constructing sophisticated circuits. Alligator clips and similar connectors are
seldom needed. Sockets on the PB-507 allow insertion of components of wires of
up to 20 gauge.
The PB-507 is designed to withstand the toughest treatment. It is constructed
with the highest quality components available. Most components including the
breadboard are flush with the surface giving greater protection. Reliable digital
circuitry is used throughout.
A detailed panel layout and description of the PB-507 is given in the section
"Description of Individual Features".
At power on the PB-507 Trainer displays the Global Specialties logo and the
“Initializing…” message. Initialization takes a few seconds, after which the current
configuration (“Loading default config…” or “Loading last state…”) and an
information message about the system errors is displayed: