Global Specialties PB-507 - Manual User Manual

Page 15

background image


Figure 6

The following information is displayed in the counter panel:

The measured frequency and the corresponding period

The type of the input signal

Counter mode: AUTO or MAN

The current state of the counter: NO SIGNAL or COUNTING.

6.4 DC Power supplies

Front-panel controls
Figure 7 shows the DC Power Supplies controls on the front panel of the trainer.

Figure 7

Positive voltage knob: changes the value of the +V DC power supply between
0V and 20V.

Negative voltage knob: changes the value of the -V DC power supply between -
20V and 0V.

buttons: move the cursor from one digit to another inside a field or to the

next field.

Display Area and Screen Interface
Figure 8 shows the trainer’s screen displaying the DC power supplies panel.