Fluid Components International ST75 PDA Software User Manual
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Chapter 6
Using the Configuration Software to Access the ST50/ST75 Diagnostic Functions
The Configuration Software gives access to three ST50/ST75 Diagnostic Functions. These functions help in troubleshooting the
ST50/ST75 operation, when a problem is suspected.
The ST50/ST75 gives the technician a window from which to analyze the processing of the flow signal information. This window
opens into 3 areas of the signal processing sequence. The first area is the signal as it comes out of the A/D in raw counts. The
second is as the signal is converted into ohms. And the third area is after the signal has been temperature corrected.
• Tap on the “Diagnostics” radio button of the main screen,
to open the ST50/ST75 Diagnostics/Troubleshooting
selection screen.
• Only one of the 3 areas of the diagnostics can be viewed
at a time.
• To look at a diagnostic data window, tap on the “Get”
button next to it.
• To exit Diagnostic mode tap on the “Return” button.
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