Ec declaration of conformity, Ec declaration of conformity 1 – Burkert Type 8643 User Manual

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EC Declaration of Conformity

EC DEClArATion of ConformiTy


We hereby declare that the products with the designation

Type 8643

the satisfy requirements which are specified in the following Directives of the European Council:

2006/95/ EC

low Voltage Directive


Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive



The production of electrical equipment, for which an EC-type examination certificate is available, is monitored by;

physikalisch technische Bundesanstalt
Bundesallee 100
38116 Braunschweig

Such units are labeled with CE0102.

The EC-type examination certificate comes with the operations manual, where the number can also be found. As
a general rule, the standards found in the EC-type examination certificate are valid.

Corporate Quality, uwe schlauch

Bürkert Werke gmbh & Co. kg
Christian-Bürkert-straße 13-17
74653 ingelfingen | germany

Ingelfingen, 07. 07. 2009

(This document was issued electronically and is therefore valid without signature)


Type 8643 PA