English, Statuses of the mns led – Burkert Type 8631 User Manual
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After application of voltage (connection of the network line), the following functional test of the two-
colour MNS LED is performed:
• LED lights briefly green (ca. ¼ s).
• LED lights briefly red (ca. ¼ s).
• LED off.
After completion of the functional test, the device statuses described in the following table can be
displayed by the MNS LED.
Statuses of the MNS LED
LED status
Device status
Explanation / Problem elimination
No voltage/not online
- Device not supplied with voltage
- Device has not yet ended Dublicate MAC-ID test
(last ca. 2 s).
> Connect further devices if device is sole net participant.
> Exchange device.
Online, connection to
Master exists
- Normal operating status with connection made to Master.
Green flashing
Online, no connection
to Master
- Normal operating status without connection made to Master.
Red flashing
- One or more I/O connections are in time-out status.
> Make new connection to Master to assure that I/O data are
transmitted cyclically.
Critical error
- Another device with the same MAC-IDin network
> Change MAC-ID and restart
- BUS OFF because of communication problems.
> Check network data rate; exchange device if unsuccessful.