Sending a fax – EXP Computer ThinFax LXM User Manual
Page 11

This section contains all the detailed explanations of the MiniFax functions including
the entries in each main function.
During SEND, a temporary disk's space of approximately 35KB per page
will be needed for file conversion.
# Press MENU, F, S or F2 from another MiniFax menu to display the following
To Send a Fax
1. Fill in the fax recipients name in the To: field and the fax number in the Fax #:
field. You can highlight the Phone book and press ENTER or Hot-key to
select previously entered fax recipient's names and numbers from the Phonebook
2. Fill in File to send text box. File name: Enter file name you wish to send. The
user may highlight the Files… button and press ENTER or use Hot-key and
then select a file to send from the Files screen.
3. If you need to send the cover page, please check the box with a X With cover
page and highlight Cover page then press ENTER or use Hot-key. Fill in the
text boxes such as number of pages, reference and comments. If the file name is
omitted from the File name field then only the cover page will be sent.
4. Highlight Send Fax and press ENTER or press F8 to start sending fax.
Send Fax Entry
# To: This entry is for a fax recipient=s name.
# Fax #: The fax recipient=s telephone number.
# File name: Type the file name that you wish to send. You may highlight Files…
and press ENTER or press F7 to display the Files screen and select a file.
# File Type: Select ASCII for text file. (Including MEMO =s file format) It will be
converted to the fax format automatically before sending. Check the X Save
converted file box to save the file converted (with .mfx extension). Select MiniFax
for a previously converted fax format file (.mfx). This type of file can be sent
without further conversion.
# With cover page: Check this box to send the cover page along with any file or just
the cover page only, if the file name is omitted from the File name: text box.
File: From the Send screen highlight Files… and press ENTER, or press F7 to
display Files screen.
This screen operates as a file manager. The user can select a file from this Files
screen. The file selected will be filled into the File name: text box in the Send
screen. You can select Drives, or Directories as well. Press TAB to move the
highlight among the field, button or List boxes. Use Up arrow or Down arrow key
to move within a List box and press ENTER to accept the highlighted selection.
# Cover page: From the Send screen highlight Cover page and press ENTER, or
press F5 to edit the Cover page.