Analog Way NeXtage 16 User Manual
Page 58

7.5 Live
You still have access to the LOAD/SAVE/RESET preset feature.
Once your preset is ready to send, use the T-bar, or the TAKE button.
You still have access to FADE TO BLACK and STEP BACK buttons.
When you use two screens, you have the possibility to load a preset in one of the screens. You can TAKE the
Program on one screen separatly, or both at the same time, by clicking on this button:
A FADE TO BLACK and a STEP BACK buttons are also available. The FADE TO BLACK transforms your Program
in a black screen using a fade effect on all your PIPs and a STEP BACK goes back to your previous preset.
MASTER MEMORIES: in order to take simultaneously several screens, you have the possibility to build some
master memories. The MM (Master Memories) is a group of memories (M), it can load several memories in
one time on several screens. Before starting to create your MM, please create before all the memories for all
your screens. Then to build a MM, please click on the button
and select a slot. You have access
to 144 MM.
This windows will open:
Please select “From Memories” to store from existing memories. A screen can be
part of the Master Memories or not, simply select or unselect the screen button. In
this example S1 and S2 are selected
Then affect to the screens the chosen
memories by clicking on the right ar-
row or directly by drag and drop the
memories from the memories list.
Once you have chosen for each screen the memories affected: simply click on SAVE to save your Master Me-
mories. You can save your master memory from existing memories or from the current configuration.
To do that, when saving the MM, please click on FROM CURRENT PRESET:
In that box, you can choose to save from PREVIEW or from PROGRAM.
To save the master memory, we need valid memory slots. As the current preset
is not already saved, the unit has to save each screen configuration into a valid
memory, and then build the master memory.
In our case the S1 will be saved into memory 2 and S2 will be saved into me-
mory 3.
If you want an automatic research of free memory slots, please click on GET EM-
Once you choose the correct memory slot, simply click on save to record your
master memory.
The Master Memory is now saved, and can be recalled by the LOAD MASTER