Analog input sampling – MoTeC ADL2 EDL2 User Manual
Page 60

58 Appendices
Pulse Width 1 usec
Measures pulse high time
Resolution : 1 usec
Maximum : 32 msec
Pulse Width 100 usec
Measures pulse high time
Resolution : 100 usec
Maximum : 3.2 sec
Speed Input Modes
Suitable for switch to 0V, Logic signal or open collector device (eg Hall
Pullup Resistor : 4700 ohms to 5V
Voltage Range : 0 to 15V
Positive Trigger Threshold : 3.0 V max
Negative Threshold : 2.8 V min
Hysteresis : 0.19 V Min
Suitable for : Two wire magnetic sensor (Variable reluctance sensor)
Input Resistance : 100k ohms to ground (No Pullup)
Voltage Range : -100V to +100V
Programmable trigger levels
Analog Input Sampling
The following specifies the order in which the Analog input channels are
sampled and the time between samples.
Inter channel period is 14usec, except that for every 8 channels there is a
60usec gap.