Checking operation – MoTeC ADL2 EDL2 User Manual
Page 45

Dash Manager Software
RPM for 2 seconds. Note that this condition could also include a test for when
the engine is greater than 500 RPM but set at a lower pressure, which would
cover the range from 500 to 1500 RPM, which might read as: Engine Oil
Pressure < 50 kPa for 1 second AND Engine RPM > 500 RPM for 5 seconds.
In the case of alarms, the condition can also contain an increment or
decrement amount, which may increase or decrease the test value by a
certain amount each time the alarm is acknowledged. The number of times
this value is incremented can also be limited.
The following shows an example of an Engine Oil Pressure alarm condition.
Checking Operation
Monitor Channels
The currently active channels can be monitored to allow checking of the
operation of all functions and measurements.
To monitor the active channels select Online | Monitor Channels from the
main menu.
Oscilloscope Screen
Any channel may also be shown on an oscilloscope style screen by pressing
the Utilities | Oscilloscope button on the Monitor Channels screen.
The Simulate feature allows most input channels to be manually changed so
that the ADL2 operation can be checked under abnormal conditions, eg High
Engine Temp.
This is extremely useful for checking that the ADL2 is working as expected.
To activate the Simulate screen select Online | Simulate from the main menu.