Atec Fluke-OptiView User Manual

Page 10

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Fluke Networks OptiView™ Integrated Network Analyzer

Ping and Trace Route

The OptiView analyzer automatically pings (IP or IPX) the selected

device and reports the results. The parameters that may be configured

for an IP ping are rate (10, 5 and 1 per second or once every 5

seconds) and data size (18 bytes to 1472 bytes - minimum and

maximum length Ethernet frames). The results indicate the total

number of requests, the number of replies, success rate and minimum,

average and maximum response times.

When Trace Route is selected, the analyzer automatically runs a

trace route on the selected device. If the device is not in the host list,

its address or DNS name may be entered in the “Device” drop down.

Results displayed by the trace route are number of hops, name and IP

address of each device per hop and total round trip response times for

each hop. In addition, the OptiView analyzers’ trace route function can

also identify Split Routes and Route Flapping. The OptiView analyzer

may also be used to view the System Group, Routing and ARP tables of

all routers that separate the two hosts.