Moormann atg interface retrofits – Franklin Fueling Systems ATG Moormann Interface User Manual

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Moormann ATG Interface Retrofits

The steps below explain how to install the FFS Bulk/Stik aboveground tank gauge equipment to an existing Moormann

gauge. Refer to Figure A and in the back of this manual for an assembly diagram.

Programming Tip: Record the tank level reading from the Moormann gauge before proceeding. To maintain an accurate

gauge reading, the tank should be idle during this retrofit process.

1. Remove the ¼" (6.35 mm) drain plug in the bottom of the gauge tube and separate the 1" union and the 1" vertical pipe

riser from the gauge tube to the tank top (refer to Figure A).

2. Remove the covers from the roller assemblies (Figure A, Item 4).

3. Wedge a suitable length of lumber under the 2" horizontal pipe between the roller assemblies until the 1" union from

Step 1 separates at least 2".

Note: While working with the gauge tape, use care not to kink or bend it.


Wear gloves when working with gauge tape because its edges may be sharp.

4. From the tank-mounted roller assembly, slowly pull the gauge tape out, raising the counterweights in the gauge tube,

until the gauge reads a fuel level of approximately two feet. Using vice grip pliers and a piece of electrical tape to

protect the tape, clamp the gauge tape at this roller assembly to prevent it from retracting beyond the rollers.

5. Remove all of the bolts from the gauge eccentric cap (Figure A, Item 6). Remove the gauge window assembly (Figure

A, Item 1) and the tape pointer from inside of the window.

6. Carefully slip the gauge tape off of the window guide (located inside of the opening).

7. Carefully lift the eccentric cap off of the gauge tube and remove the counterweight assembly from the gauge tube

(Figure A, Item 9). To do this, you may have to swing the upper section of the 1" pipe away from the lower union half,

but, while performing this step, be careful not to kink the gauge tape at the 1" union halves.

In lieu of having someone

hold the eccentric cap and counterweight assemblies while the following steps are performed, you can reattach the 1"

union and allow this assembly to hang outside of the gauge tube from the 1" pipe.

8. Remove the cotter pin (Figure A, Item 17) attaching the gauge tape to the counterweight assembly, and slowly

withdraw it from the roller assemblies.

9. Remove the upper roller bracket (Figure A, Item 7) from the eccentric cap. Remove the eccentric cap from the 1" pipe

and discard the cap.

10. Install the new eccentric cap provided with the FFS Bulk/Stik Retrofit Kit. The new cap has three threaded holes; use

a suitable pipe sealant on the threads.

11. Install the large pulley end of the pulley rack (Figure A, Item 7) to the eccentric cap (Figure A, Item 6) using a cotter

pin (Figure A, Item 17). The 7S series gauge racks have three rollers and the

9S series gauge racks have four rollers.

12. While supporting the counterweight assembly directly beneath the eccentric cap pulley rack, position the assembly so

that the small pulley in the pulley rack (the cotter pin end) is on top.

13. Thread the cotter pin bracket end of the tape through and around the lower roller (largest roller) in the counterweight

assembly (Figure A, Item 10). Thread from front to back or towards the storage tank. The numbered side of the tape

should be facing you as you do this.

14. Continue with this end of the tape and thread it around the top roller (largest roller) on the roller bracket attached

to the eccentric cap, threading from back to front. Continue on to the lower bracket and back to the upper bracket,

threading the tape around the outside of each consecutive roller once — use care not to twist the tape. The

numbered side will always be to the outside in both the front and the back.